Monday, March 31, 2008

Caden is 6 1/2 months already!!

It's hard to believe that Caden is on his way to being a year old already. He has learned so much in the past couple of weeks, he's crawling and going from stomach to a sitting position and vice versa and trying to pull himself up. He is a very energetic little guy and loves to be where all the action is. We have started time outs with him, if he gets in trouble he has to do push ups...haha just kidding, isn't that a funny picture?!

An Update...

It's been a long time since I've posted anything...We took a short trip to California for a wedding and I've been busy with preparing for it and then recovering from it as I (jenni) traveled by myself with the kids...It actually went fine, the flight home was a little stressful but we all survived and it was worth it to visit with friends and family. Cody had such a great time with his Nana and Grandpa... they have a huge backyard and he loved playing the the dirt and looking for lizards.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Just a quick note.....

Thought I should start getting better about posting even without pictures. I try to post pictures for everyone since a lot of my friends and family live so far away. Today...just a note. Just when I was starting to get down about, well my current situation, my sleepless nights (and they have been very sleepless),my lonely days( I'm having a hard time making friends lately) my devotional book started taking me through the book of Job. Doesn't God have a sense of humor? As I was feeling like poor me , I don't get any sleep, I don't have any friends, I read about Job. I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband who doesn't let anything bother him and two HEALTHY boys who are a pleasure to be with DURING THE DAY!! I have so many things that God has given me. Who am I to complain?!