Friday, May 9, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Here goes....I was tagged by Melissa to answer these questions:

Five Things On My To Do list:
1. Laundry (seems like it is always on my list)
2. Post baby items to sell on Craigslist
3. Run (this one also seems to always be on my list)
4. Go to Costco
5. Make dessert for our dinner party tomorrow

Five Favorite Snacks:

1. Almonds
2. Cold Watermelon (I love it when the juice is cold)
3. Girl Scout Cookies (Thin Mints)
4. Peanut butter on anything, bread, apples, celery, crackers
5. Oatmeal flavored animal crackers from Down to Earth food store

Five things I would do if I were a Billionaire:

1. Buy a bigger house
2. Move my family and friends to Hawaii
3. Pay off all debt
4. Send my kids to the college of their choice
5. Start my own private Elementary School

Five Bad Habits

1. I eat too much dessert
2. I slouch when working on the computer
3. I drink too much diet pepsi and not enough water
4. I always forget to close the blinds when I undress
5. I choose sleep over EVERYTHING when I have a few free minutes

Five Places I've Lived

1. New Jersey
2. London, England
3. Oak Park, California
4. San Diego, California
5. Waipahu, Hawaii

Five Jobs I've had

1. Cashier at Carl's Jr.
2. Waitress
3. Barista at Starbucks
4. 5th grade teacher
5. Online tutor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooo what dinner party do you have tomorrow???
and here are my lists...

Five Things On My To Do list:
1. make dinner
2. Run
3. find out how to become rich
4. put away the laundry
5. grade grade grade- iam way behind

Five Favorite Snacks:

1. hummus
2. apples and carmel
3. hot tomales and peanut M&Ms
4. kettle corn -popcorn
5. chips and guacamole

Five things I would do if I were a Billionaire:

1. Buy a plane
2. Buy a place in Hawaii
3. travel everywhere
4. own a gallery
5. take lots of art classes

Five Bad Habits

1. i bite my nails
2. I am the worst procrastinator
3. I can justify just about anything
4. I spend to much money
5. I get big ideas and dont follow thru

Five Places I've Lived

1. Canada
2. Hawaii
3. Long Island, NY
4. Princeton, MA
5. Berkshires, MA

Five Jobs I've had

1. Telemarketer (I lasted 2 days)
2. Marketing Director
3. Sickness Faker for Med students
4. Preschool teacher
5. High School Art Teacher