I can't believe we are less than a month away!! All you mom's out there know I would be lying if I said I'm feeling GREAT! I really am doing good though... A lot more tired and feeling lots of "practice" contractions. Time to make your bets! What is the sex? And when do you think I'm going to deliver?
It is a girl.... 7lbs. 11 ounces...20 inches long...will be born on September 16th.
Hey this is Myrna and Fred's daughter Kathy and I think it's a boy ... Sorry I know that's not what everyone wants to hear but you look WAY to good for it to be a boy. :)
I think it's a girl too! And - I think she will be born on September 25th, on my birthday :)
Love you!
John & I are a wating the news of a baby girl on Sept 20th, my dad's Birthday!
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